The World Was Different 20 Years Ago...
Or so I hear, but that's got nothing to do with nothing.
My brain's a little all over the place at the moment; I went to work, then came home and slept for two hours. I woke up just in time to make it to the hockey rink, then came home to stare at my computer screen for a few hours. I'm currently doing laundry and expanding my portfolio by leaps and bounds.
They say I have a "talent" that is valuable. My artistic ability to see layouts in my head and translate them onto paper is supposed to be some sort of magic trick: to me it's always just been something I just did. I don't think about it; it just kind of happens.
So if this "talent" of mine is so damned awesome, why the hell is it so hard to find a job?
I've applied for thousands of jobs on Craigslist, tons more on Guru, looked through what seems like millions of local paper from Richmond all the way up to Philadelphia, made about 46 phone calls in the last three days, thrown my resume around like confetti, and yet, I get nothing.
It's frustrating as hell.
I'm not even trying to limit my search to those people who are actually advertising positions; is the economy so bad that all artists are starving, or what?
Something a little more then $13 an hour would be fantastic, eh?
My "neighbor," the guy who lives in the room next to mine, has this pretty little "call girl" he has come over all the time. He's not dating her; they don't go out together. She just spends the night. A lot. How come he can find someone so easy, and I haven't gone on a date in years?
I wonder if maybe I've begun to accept the fact that I'll be single forever. It kind of feels that way.
I wanted to go back home to Richmond for Independence Day, because my best friend is coming home for the first time in six months (from Kansas or somewhere). I's love to see her and her husband, but my goddamn car is costing me a fortune, even without the gasoline I've been putting in it.
I found this fantastic song called Struggle by Ringside. Check it out if you like groovy kind of semi-techno. It's pretty. Beautiful. They're kind of low and strange, with a catchy beat and something you can dance to. But it's not overly repeditive and has lyrics. Strange lyrics, but pretty. Odd. (Wait, that's Panic!).
See what I mean about being all over the place?
I haven't slept very well. I think I wake up more tired then I was when I finally crash at 4 in the morning. Why am I still awake?
My brother's team lost their hockey game this evening. They played very poorly and deserved to lose. It's that a terrible thing to say about them? They lost 5 to 6. The game was pretty exciting. I got to keep score and run the timer. It's a hobby of mine now; my love of hockey supersedes any embarrassment there might be at hanging around the hockey rink like a rink rat. I love it so much though, and there's no NHL to watch for the moment. I can't wait until the season starts up again, but at the same time, I want Gagne to be healthy as possible before play starts again. I think all Flyer's fans are hoping the same thing. We're sure going to miss R.J. though...
Yes, I did watch and keep up with the draft, but I'm refraining from commenting. I'm not sure what to think about it, to be honest. I knew the cap would be an issue this year, even though they raised it to $55 million. Goddamn Danny Briere.
The new woman that just moved into the house with us is 27 and has a kid. I have nothing in common with any of these people except Maggie! She's really cool though; she's kind of Canadian-like, having been raised in Michigan so close to the border. I mean, anyone that thinks Molsen beer is the best in the world has to have some Canadian blood in them. At least she doesn't like ketchup flavored potato chips. Then I'd have to stop hanging out with her.
I've been buying girly shirts in profusion lately. My mom thinks I'm finally growing out of my tomboy phase, but what if this is just a phase? How can you tell, anyway? I don't think I know I'm even in a phase until I grow out of it.
Do adults still have phases?
Why am I still rambling?
It's not like anyone reads this anyway.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Side Note: Job Searching
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